Caledonia: 8 months and nothing to show but a $40-million bill

Author: Neil Desai 2006/11/14
It has been 8 long months since natives of the Six Nations reserve began occupying a disputed piece of land earmarked for a real estate development in Caledonia. In this time, the people of Caledonia and the Six Nation reserve have come no closer to a resolution. If anything, they are further apart.

This growing rift is not the result of the Six Nations reserve and residents of Caledonia wanting to continue the standoff. It stems from complacency shown by politicians in Toronto and Ottawa. The result A hefty bill for taxpayers.

The provincial government bought the disputed land for $15.8-million. Plus $6.9-million to purchase surrounding land developments. Another $1.4-million was given in financial assistance to Caledonia businesses that have lost revenues. On top of $15-million the Ontario Provincial Police have already spent for around-the-clock security, police costs continue to grow as the days and weeks pass without a resolution.

There is no clear cut evidence that the people of the Six Nation's reserve have a legal claim to disputed land. In August, Judge David Marshall ordered the occupiers off the land and that anyone who continued occupying the land be charged with contempt of court. While some minor auxiliary charges have been laid the illegal occupation has continued.

Every day this conflict continues is another day that Dalton McGuinty continues to show disregard for Ontario taxpayers. The premier has yet to step foot on the disputed land and meet with all the parties involved. He is quite content with signing a $1200 a day cheque to his appointed special representative, Jane Stewart, and downplay the importance of the issue.

Now, $40-million and 8 months later, Premier Dalton McGuinty and Provincial Aboriginal Affairs Minister David Ramsay say they have finally come up with a solution. They must have got their hands on a copy of the Canadian Constitution because their message has suddenly shifted: The Caledonia standoff is the responsibility of the federal government and they should be the ones picking up the tab. And just like that, the McGuinty Liberals are off the hook!

If it only were that simple. Instead of delivering that message when the standoff broke out in February, Minister Ramsay decided to wait 8 months and deliver the accumulated $40-million bill to his federal counterpart, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jim Prentice.

Minister Prentice and his leader Prime Minister Stephen Harper have themselves stood idle on the Caledonia file. Their message to Minister Ramsay - while not explicit - was clear: The federal government has nothing to gain from involving itself in the Caledonia standoff. Since Ontario took the lead on tackling the issue they should foot the lion's share of the bill and find a resolution. Nevertheless, the prime minister has softened his stance and agreed to have the federal government foot a portion of the policing bill.

One wonders if the government would show the same complacency if Caledonia was a hospital with illegal strikers blocking the entrance Would they ignore a court order to arrest anyone illegally picketing Would they spend millions of dollars to purchase the land so that the picketers could continue with their strike Would they spend millions more for round the clock security of the strikers

The provincial government began the process by purchasing the land. It's their responsibility to step up to the plate and enforce the law. Writing cheques and ignoring the problem is not going to make it go away.

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